Know Thyself & Be Thyself

Join us for "Know Thyself & Be Thyself," a transformative group coaching program designed to lead you on a 12-week journey of self-discovery and authentic living. This unique opportunity allows you to explore and express your true self, free from societal expectations. Dive deep into understanding your genuine identity, enhancing self-confidence, and living a life true to your core. Sign up now for an experience that promises personal growth and empowerment within a supportive community setting. Embark on this path to authenticity together with us! This program runs from 4/8/24 - 6/28/24.

Course Overview:

"Know Thyself & Be Thyself" is a comprehensive 12-week course designed to guide you through the journey of self-discovery and self-expression. In a world where we're constantly bombarded by societal expectations and external pressures, this course offers a sanctuary for introspection, exploration, and empowerment. Through a structured three-phase program, you'll embark on a transformative journey to uncover your true self, free from the influence of external dictates.

Silhouette of a woman hands up against a blue sky. Sunset or dawn.
The concept of harmony and health woman

Phase 1: Awakening (Weeks 1-4)

From the moment we enter this world, our beliefs, behaviors, and identity are shaped by the voices around us—parents, teachers, media, and society at large. But how much of what you believe and how you act truly reflects your inner self? The first phase of this course, "Awakening," challenges you to confront the "domestication" of your persona.

Through a blend of introspective exercises, readings, and discussions, you'll learn to distinguish between the beliefs that are authentically yours and those that have been imposed upon you by others. This eye-opening phase sets the foundation for genuine self-discovery by encouraging you to question and shed the layers of external conditioning.

Middle aged caucasian woman standing in the sunlit field with open arms, embracing nature

Phase 2: Exploration (Weeks 5-8)

Armed with the awareness of which beliefs truly belong to you, you may find yourself pondering, "Who am I, really?" Phase 2, "Exploration," invites you to dive deep into the essence of your being.

This month is dedicated to exploring your genuine interests, preferences, and desires—free from societal expectations. Through a variety of self-exploration activities, creative assignments, and reflective practices, you'll get to experiment with different aspects of your identity, from the way you dress to the hobbies you pursue.

This phase is a celebration of your uniqueness, offering you the tools and freedom to align your external life with your inner truth.

Silhouette of female traveler on top of Merese Hill, in Lombok,Indonesia with range of mountains and beach in the background during sunset.

Phase 3: Empowerment (Weeks 9-12)

Discovering and embracing your true self is an exhilarating experience. However, reintegrating into the world while holding onto your newfound identity can be daunting.

The final phase of the course, "Empowerment," focuses on fortifying your confidence in your authentic self. Through resilience-building techniques, assertiveness training, and community support, you'll learn to navigate the world with unwavering self-assurance.

This phase equips you with the strength to remain true to yourself in the face of external pressures and challenges, enabling you to live out your authenticity boldly and confidently.

Special Launch Offer

Sign up now to take advantage of our special offer!

**SAVE $389!!**

PLUS 3 One-on-One Coaching Zooms! ($375 Value!) for the first 5 people to join.

Will honor a payment plan for this deal! Click here!

Save $764 Today!

Who Is This Course For?

"Know Thyself & Be Thyself" is ideal for anyone feeling lost, overwhelmed by external expectations, or in search of a deeper understanding of their true self. Whether you're at a crossroads in life, looking to redefine your identity, or simply wishing to live more authentically, this course offers the insights, tools, and community to support your journey.

Join us on this 12-week journey to discover, embrace, and confidently express your true self. Together, we will unlock the door to a life of authenticity, purpose, and joy.

What Our Program Offers

Our program combines various tools and techniques to facilitate deep and lasting healing:

  • Weekly Video Lessons: Each week, explore different aspects of inner child healing through comprehensive video lessons, created and delivered by Jaime.
  • Interactive Workbooks: Engage with carefully designed exercises and activities that encourage introspection and personal growth.
  • Weekly Live Coaching Calls: Join our community of like-minded individuals for live, supportive coaching sessions that enhance your healing journey.
  • Guided Meditations: Participate in specially tailored meditations, aimed at deepening your connection to your inner child and facilitating emotional healing.

Transform Your Life Today

Joining the "Know Thyself & Be Thyself" course offers a multitude of benefits for anyone seeking to live a more authentic, fulfilling life. Here are some reasons to join us on this journey:

  • Deep Self-Discovery: This course provides a structured, supportive environment for deep self-reflection and discovery. It's an opportunity to ask and explore the fundamental question of "Who am I?" beyond the surface level, delving into aspects of your identity that you may not have considered or fully understood before.
    • Break Free from External Influences: Society, family, and cultural expectations can heavily influence our beliefs, decisions, and how we see ourselves. This course empowers you to identify and release these external pressures, allowing you to redefine yourself based on your own values, interests, and aspirations.
    • Personal Empowerment: Through practical exercises and guided introspection, you'll build confidence in your unique identity. This course teaches you not only to recognize your authentic self but also to live confidently according to your own standards and beliefs, even in the face of societal norms and pressures.
    • Improved Relationships: Authenticity attracts. By being true to yourself, you foster deeper connections with others. Authentic interactions improve your relationships, as you relate to others with honesty and integrity, inviting them to engage with you on a more genuine level.
    • Increased Resilience: The course equips you with tools to navigate life's challenges while staying true to yourself. Learning to assert your identity and beliefs in various situations strengthens your resilience, helping you to handle adversity with grace and confidence.
    • Community and Support: You're not alone on this journey. The course provides a community of like-minded individuals, offering a safe space to share experiences, challenges, and triumphs. This supportive network fosters a sense of belonging and mutual encouragement.

Whether you're feeling lost, seeking a deeper understanding of yourself, or simply wanting to live a more authentic life, "Know Thyself & Be Thyself" offers a comprehensive, enriching experience that can profoundly impact how you view yourself and how you navigate the world.

Payment Plan

We understand that flexibility in payment is important. That's why we offer convenient payment plan options for our 12-week Know Thyself & Be Thyself program. You can choose to break down the cost into either two or three manageable payments, based on the original program price. This way, you can enjoy the benefits of the program while maintaining financial ease and comfort.

    • Make 2 payments of $650 (Save $200 when you make 2 payments) For this option, Go Here!
    • Make 3 payments of $466 (Save $100 when you make 3 payments) For this option, Go Here!
    • Make 4 payments of $375. For this payment, Go Here!

Begin Your Journey to Emotional Freedom

Embrace this opportunity for growth and healing. Sign Up Now and start your transformative journey towards a more joyful, fulfilling life.

Frequently Asked Questions


When does the program start and end? The program starts the week of April 8th, 2024, and ends the week of June 24th, 2024.

When are the Weekly Group Coaching Zoom calls scheduled? The live coaching calls are held every Thursday at 8 PM EST.

What is the refund policy for the program? We offer refunds until 48 hours after the initial purchase. Beyond this period, refunds are not available.

What does the program include? The program includes weekly video lessons and workbooks, live coaching Zoom calls, guided meditations, and access to a private Facebook group exclusively for participants.

How long is the program, and what is the expected time commitment? This is a 12-week program. Videos and workbooks will be posted on Monday mornings at 7 AM, and participants can engage with them at their convenience. Each weekly group coaching Zoom session is 60 minutes long.

Do I need any prior experience or knowledge to join the program? No, this program is designed for individuals of all backgrounds. No prior experience or specific knowledge is required to join.

What if I miss a live coaching call? No worries! All live coaching Zoom calls will be recorded and posted in our private Facebook group by the next morning for you to view at your convenience.

Can I access the program materials after the course is completed? Yes, absolutely! All course content, including videos, workbooks, and recordings of the live sessions, will remain available in the Facebook group even after the 12 weeks are over, so you can revisit the material anytime.