When Discomfort Strikes: Why Change Is Worth the Challenge
Have you ever noticed how life has this way of throwing irony at you when you least expect it? This morning, during a TikTok Live where we were diving into Mel Robbins’ powerful new book, Let Them, I experienced just that. Right as we were reading a section about how making changes can be uncomfortable, TikTok decided to restrict the live.
The message? Something about the content potentially making some people uncomfortable. Talk about timing!
Here’s the thing: personal growth is uncomfortable. It’s messy, uncertain, and downright hard at times. But it’s also where the magic happens. When we push through that initial resistance, that "ugh, this feels weird" stage, we open ourselves up to incredible transformation.
Think about it.
Change challenges us to step outside our comfort zones, to let go of what’s familiar, and to trust in something new. Whether it’s starting a new habit, ending a toxic relationship, or pursuing a dream that scares the heck out of you—there’s always that moment of discomfort. It’s like a bridge we have to cross, and for a while, it might feel shaky. But once you get to the other side? Wow. The view is worth it.
That’s why Mel Robbins’ book resonates so much. Let Them invites us to embrace that discomfort and see it for what it truly is: growth in action. If you’re not feeling at least a little uncomfortable, are you really pushing yourself? Are you really growing?
One of the tools Mel Robbins is famous for—and one that ties perfectly into this—is her 5 Second Rule. The concept is simple but incredibly effective: when you feel the urge to act on something or make a change, count down from five—5, 4, 3, 2, 1—and then take action. This rule bypasses hesitation and the mental excuses our brains love to throw at us. It’s a way to interrupt your thoughts and propel yourself forward, even when you’re feeling uncomfortable. Mel used this rule herself to pull out of a difficult phase in her life. Instead of hitting snooze or procrastinating, she’d count down and launch herself into action. It’s a game-changer for those moments when discomfort threatens to hold you back.
I know firsthand how tempting it is to retreat when things get tough. Our minds love the familiar because it feels safe. But safe isn’t where breakthroughs happen. The next time you feel that knot in your stomach or hear that inner voice saying, “Maybe I should just stop,” I want you to pause. Take a deep breath. And remind yourself that this feeling is temporary. You’re in the middle of your bridge, and if you just keep walking, you’ll make it to the other side.
So, let’s make a pact: when things get uncomfortable, we push through. When TikTok restricts a Live because it’s too real for some, we laugh, regroup, and keep going. Because growth isn’t about staying where we are. It’s about taking that next step—even when it’s hard.

If you’re ready to embrace the journey of personal growth and want to join an amazing community doing the same, come hang out with me on TikTok every weekday morning at 9 AM EST. Grab your copy of the book here!
Together, we’re reading Let Them by Mel Robbins, and I promise—it’s worth it. See you there!